I took FAR in August and failed with a 68. I had already paid my fees to take AUD so I took audit on December 4th (Delayed window due to weather). I failed again with a 70. (70,68,70 all in 2012)
Something in me snapped, I was really upset over that audit fail. I studied A LOT and still did not improve my score 1 point from the last 2 times I took it?!? My anger overwhelmed me, and I let it. I have lost count how many of these exams I have taken now, I can guess I have taken each one 3-4 times now. ZERO passes. In my fury, I was going over everything. I have always blamed my poor study habits for my fails. This time I studied my butt off and got the same score?! Ok, maybe it is not me! As it was the end of December and a new year was around the corner I felt like some new plans were in order here.
1. I purchased Wiley CPA test bank
2. I purchased NINJA notes
3. I purchased the Wiley CPA exam book
I sent my application to test for audit in again, and studied from December 21st through January 17th. I used my new study materials only, did not use the program I had used in the past. Obviously it hasn't been working for me, so I felt that it was a waste of my time to use it. I took audit again on January 18th and I passed! Not only did I pass I smashed it! I got an 86!
I am not an idiot, I can pass these exams. I feel redemption!
I was so thrilled when I found out I was hyperventilating at the office, and that is a new experience for me! So the excitement has worn off, and I am ready to take down BEC. Again, only study material is the 3 I mentioned above. I plan to take it May 16th or 17th.
"If you don't give a damn about anything, no one will give a damn about you"