Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have you lost your Mojo?

I lost mine in March. To much studying in February burned me out and I missed out on so much! March is a busy time a year for me at work, so I worked probably more overtime than I should have, but I loved the paycheck (especially since here in Oregon once I get my CPA I no longer can get overtime).

Also had a hard time focusing on BEC because I was waiting for my results on AUD. That wait is harsh, so many things running through your head. The excitement of what will happen when you pass, the let-down if you don't... what you could have done better, what area's you did really good on.

Once the results came in though it was serious business and back to the books. I resisted the temptation today to work late, even though there are piles of difficult, long hours of work on my desk and I am out on an audit.

How to stay focused, when I perfect this area of my study plan I will post more about it. Anyone have any idea's, I would love to read about them!

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about"

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