Monday, July 11, 2011


I think the most difficult part of taking this exam is staying motivated to finish it. The information is never-ending and difficult for most which makes it increasingly difficult to maintain a steady study schedule. We start out focused and driven to complete this goal we have set for ourselves and somewhere along the line we get distracted or burned out. Other things in life seem more appealing and we forget the things which kept us driven to achieve this goal in the first place.

The difficulty of these exams can make us feel less self-confident in ourselves which can also hinder our motivation. When we are feeling low it can seem almost impossible to focus or concentrate. I need a daily dose of motivation to keep myself focused on this goal. I can't look far into the distance and see how far I have to go, that for me is discouraging. It feels like I will never be able to finish, the road is to long, to hard, or has to many bumps in it. Instead I need to focus on one day at a time. Accomplishing my small goals that are right in front of me today. That makes me feel successful and keeps me motivated to do it again tomorrow.

What motivates you? I am motivated by competition, I strive to be the best at whatever I do. I try to be so good that they can't ignore me. Instead of striving for a 75 I plan to get as close a 99 as possible. I will learn each section and not move onto another section until I feel that I am so good that I can get a 99 on that section. At the end of each section I plan to assess how good I am. If I feel 100% confident about the material then I shouldn't have any problems when I review the material. For me, being the best at something is motivating for me. If I feel confident about what I am doing and can get 95% on the tests this gives me motivation to move on and master the next section. Motivation is contagious. Surround yourself with positive motivation in every aspect of your life.

"Success or failure is caused more by mental attitude than my mental capacity"

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