Monday, May 2, 2011

CPE and studying for the CPA exam

Since I am an in-charge auditor of A-133 audits here in Oregon I have to get 80 hours of CPE in yellow book standards everyone two years. June 30, 2009 to June 30, 2011. I went through yesterday to see where I was with my requirement and was shocked to see that I need 44 hours more! I have no idea how I am going to fit that in between now and June 30th.

I am taking a governmental auditing update on the May 16th and 17th and plan to bring my CPA books to cram. My boss will be there but I already told him plan and he is cool with it. (He is only cool with it because I am a nonprofit auditor, but he has asked me to pay special attention to all yellow book and A-133 requirement changes)

So thats 28 hours left... Ugh  I think I will watch some webinars with a co-worker and have them take notes of the hot topics so I can study. I have no idea how I got so behind on my CPE, this has never happened before. I can tell you though, the CPA exam should have CPE attached to it!


  1. CPA CPE is really important for CPAs to be updated with the current trends and information in different aspects of Accounting. This is also a great way to step up and an opportunity to build their own reputation in this business.

  2. Cpa cpe requirements differ depending upon the "status" of the CPA and the number of years which have passed since successful completion of the CPA exam.
